to all the Veteran's and their families. And to my own personal veteran,my brother, Marcus. I know joining the military was a difficult choice but you made it work for you. Thanks for your 20 years of service - Your favorite sister :)
11 November 2009
Happy Veteran's Day
to all the Veteran's and their families. And to my own personal veteran,my brother, Marcus. I know joining the military was a difficult choice but you made it work for you. Thanks for your 20 years of service - Your favorite sister :)
09 November 2009
Its Monday
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
I trust everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was ok. I did the usual - clean, study and I did it all tired. Emotionally and physically which left me in a rut of some sort. I went on a search for motivational blogs and found this. It seems to match how I was/am feeling.
I say I want graduate school but do I really? Of course, the answer to that question is a big fat YES ! But I have to admit just replaying the process over and over in my mind is messing with my dream.
I am at the point where I need to push forward, need to give it all I got to get to the next level and I am basically playing de azz as some in my family would say. I think the proper phrase is fearing success. Go figure that one out!
Here's hoping you are all in better spirits than me. Have a great week.
29 October 2009
Rain Rain Go Away...
Aside from wishing the rain away, I am doing pretty well. My schedule is busy with school and the like and there are times I just feel overwhelmed. I am having a bit of that feeling today. As much time as I put into studying I always feel like I am behind. It didn't help that I went out of town last weekend without my laptop. UGH! I accidentally left it and when I realised it, it was too late to turn back. Needless to say when I got back, I had LOTS to do. I hate being behind. For the next couple of days, I plan to just throw on some sweats, pack a nice lunch and some snacks and spend the ENTIRE day in the library. My mom is headed to Trinidad for a month so hopefully while she is gone I can implement my plan of attack on the last month of school. Wish me luck on that. We will see.
19 October 2009
For your reading pleasure
I first got wind of his work when someone forwarded an email to me back in 2007. He did an awesome slideshow of a couple's engagement that went viral. I swear I watched that proposal like 20 times. His name is Ross Oscar Knight and on his blog Ross Oscar Knight Photography, he gives great details about photo shoots, destinations and any thing that made an event special..Spun between discussions of photo shoots and destination discussions, he talks a lot about family and his decision to take up photography. On top of all that he also hosts a photography class for amateurs...Hopefully one day I can partake. He definitely makes me think I can....
I also like his "keeping him honest" blog posts and the fact that he answers his email. I contacted him once and shamefully never followed up. In that time, he has evolved into so much more that I became intimated..I may try again because I love his work. Enjoy and tell him I sent ya!
Have a great week!
Its Monday
I don't have much coming up. I need to focus on getting some graduate school applications underway. I say I want to go but I have done nothing to facilitate the process. The hardest thing was compiling a list of things to get done and I did that weeks ago. Procrastination is going to get. me. no. where.
10 September 2009
Checking In
I really like the picture but she wasn't too crazy about it. Hot stuff I tell ya! She knew she looked good!
Also tomorrow is the anniversary of September 11th. In remembrance of those who lost their lives...
26 August 2009
What?.... Its been how long?
I had forgotton how much I missed Three Bros. Much fun was had by all.
07 July 2009
Today was not about controversy....
I now know my coworkers and I weren't the only ones BALLING our eyes out
This is by far my favorite song by him and come to think of it most of my favorite songs by MJ are the inspirational ones. She killed it. The little dance they did around her was nice too. I had the volume on most of the time and was able to go back and forth.
04 July 2009
Happy 4th All

Here's wishing you guys a Happy 4th of July. I spent the entire day doing nothing that I should have. Also, today is President Obama's first daughter, Malia's birthday... Happy Birthday to her.
22 June 2009
Happy Monday to Ya
Well that's it for now.....Here's hoping you have a great week...
08 June 2009
Its Monday
Hope the weekend was good to ya! I definitely had a good one, though I have to admit, I havent quite gotten the hang of being off on the weekend. I woke up Saturday thinking I was late for work....I got that thought out of my mind with a quickness.
Afterwards, I went to First Fridays....that was a lot of fun. Either I haven't been out in a while or ...well anyway, the DJ was on fiyah - trust.
What did you do this weekend?
01 June 2009
Life is really really good......
I found this picture and I just love it..I was testing one of my cameras and asked my mom to pose. At first she was like, "Why?" I told her. Then she was like, " I am not dressed properly." I was like yes you are. Then, I pretended to walk away and she was like "Okay, okay." and she posed...Reverse everytime. Her smile says life is good you know?
Hope all is well with you in blog land. Today was just one of the days where I was happy to be me. School is going well. Three nights a week until 10:00 is eventually going to kick my butt but its cool for now. The classes are really cool and I have already made friends. Other than that I am good.
What's going on in your world?
28 May 2009
Cause to celebrate

I have been at this a while. Sometimes I am on it and sometimes I probably leave you wondering where I am. Its a lots of things this blog of mine but most of all it is a work in progress - a writer in training as I see myself. One day I will be able to kick out post after post about any given subject....but until then, here's to the world of writing opportunities past present and future and my ability to capture it.
24 May 2009
Happy birthday to me...
15 May 2009
Its the weekend baby..
13 May 2009
It's Wednesday
I Promise Myself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet. To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds. To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
~ Christian D. Larson
11 May 2009
Happy Monday
08 May 2009
Its the weekend baby...
07 May 2009
Happy Thursday
06 May 2009
Happy Hump Day

05 May 2009
Happy Cinco de Mayo...
President Obama Celebrates Cinco De Mayo from White House on Vimeo.
29 April 2009
100 days-

............its finally here- President Obama’s 100th day in office. Everything thus far is very matter of fact- his staff is not trying to make to huge a deal out of it, with Press Secretary Gibbs calling the benchmark a ‘hallmark moment’- not really that big of a deal- but you have to acknowledge it. Er'one has an opinion as to how he’s doing and by reading and reviewing articles yesterday and today, it appears most everyone feels the same- he is doing well! See some of the articles here, here & here.
Also before I leave you, click on this link I found yesterday with images of the President and his family since the inauguration. Or you can just go to The White
28 April 2009
Where have YOU been?
Just fabulous!
22 February 2009
Happy Sunday-
14 February 2009
Happy Valentine's Day

04 February 2009
Hump Day- Blog love
01 February 2009
Articles for your reading pleasure.
28 January 2009
It was cold out there
13 January 2009
News...or is it?
08 January 2009
A Note of Thanks....

07 January 2009
Hump Day
05 January 2009
Still in the thoughts of the New Year

01 January 2009
Happy New Year!!!

Time is a thief, or so the saying goes. I had planned to post this earlier today and well you know the end of the story. Here's wishing you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. May you accomplish ALL that you set out to do in the coming days weeks and months.