Time is a thief, or so the saying goes. I had planned to post this earlier today and well you know the end of the story. Here's wishing you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. May you accomplish ALL that you set out to do in the coming days weeks and months.
For those of you shooting for a better YOU and are planner type people searching for a way to stay organized, check out my planner, made by Planner Pads. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to use. You can either check out the website here or if your still in looking mode and want to know more about it from a user point of view, you can listen to a podcast done by one of my favorite bloggers Julia Coney of All About the Pretty and a few of her friends Kimberly Wilson & Joanna Lo explaining how they use their planner pads here. I will definitely be checking Ms. Wilson's site out on the regular. Also another quick note...if you live in the DC are Ms. Coney and Ms. Lo are planning a Makeover and Takeover class. Check out her 28 December post for more information. Gosh I wish I could pop into DC for that.
If paper is not your thing, check out a few podcasts that I have come across including morning coach.com and my thought coach.com. I accidentally came across a few of these referencing something else - Ms. Wilson's Tranquility Du Jour to be EXACT ! Some of them are lengthy but worth it. Unfortunately I don't know how to link it. Just head over to iTunes and do a search in the podcasts. They have been pretty informative so far, a good thing to come across on my break....
Lastly, I tried to think of the one thing I would like to do most in 2009 and I realized the reason I couldn't come up with that one thing is because there wasn't one and they were all intertwined with each other. I decided the best way to sum it all up was the chorus of T.I. and Rihanna's Live Your Life. And yes, I know you know that I know that I could have come up with another way to say this but hey go with it....
Go out and live YOUR life in 2009... See you on that road
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