Isn't this a fabulous image to start hump day? I thought so. The image of course if of Mrs. Obama on her first visit (as first lady) to NYC giving the opening remarks at the Time Magazine's 100 gala. She was also being honored as one of the 100 most influential people. And yes, the President made the list too. I really liked the image where you could see the entire dress but she wasn't smiling so I opted for this one. Oprah wrote the piece for Time. See it here. Also, there is a blog post in the Chicago Tribune about whether or not her image is changing. See that post here. I personally don't believe her image has changed. I just believe its how its now being interpreted. I for one has seen her as fabulous as she was the day her husband announced he was running.
Also, in signing into my gmail, I noticed one of my old college classmates (and good friend) has a new article up so I thought I would post the link to it here - way to go Kim! Love seeing your name in the bylines
Well here's hoping you enjoy the rest of the day.
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