I have been at this a while. Sometimes I am on it and sometimes I probably leave you wondering where I am. Its a lots of things this blog of mine but most of all it is a work in progress - a writer in training as I see myself. One day I will be able to kick out post after post about any given subject....but until then, here's to the world of writing opportunities past present and future and my ability to capture it.
It my birthday and no, I don't have anything planned. I didn't even get a cake, mainly because the place I normally get cakes from is STILL closed down due to Hurricane Ike. So it goes I guess...... I think when you get to this point in life you are just happy to see another year and welcome low-key type celebrations. This year there will be no celebration. I have worked part-time for the last year and am pooped. In addition, I am starting a paralegal course within the next week and just don't have energy to give it all I got. So in the essence of giving it all I got at this point, I thought I'd post one of my absolute favorite songs from back in da day....I was reminded of this song in explaining a situation to a student that in life you gotta give it all you got. I then commented that that little saying is a rap song from way back when and he looked at me and laughed. I flipped into I will show you mode and logged into You Tube and found this video . He proceeds to tell me, "Oh, that's Fergie's song!" I almost slapped him. Needless to say he got schooled before he left my office. Hope you enjoy the song. I think I am going to adopt this attitude for the upcoming year...
So did you see the Rockets last night? I told you they were gonna make it a seven game series. Again, I haven't really been into the series but I am very happy for them.
So I have been saying I was going to write about this for a couple of posts now but something else always seemed more interesting. Last Tuesday evening, I bought a palm for my apartment because I felt my place needed something. Honestly, I didn't quite know what my place needed - furniture, a painting- I just couldn't make up my mind. Well, I went into work and they put me to finish out a shift in Outside Gardening. Though I hate going out in the heat - you do what you are told. Plus - though I would never admit it - kinda serene being outside with all those plants. While out there I saw this palm and for some reason I just had to and I mean had to
have it. I scanned it to see the price and the price was right. Plus number 1. So I asked the guy working in the garden area if the palm could be an inside plant and he said yes. Plus number 2. He said all I have to do is give it maximum light and add some palm soil ( really, palm soil?) and feed it every so often and it would grow nicely. I was, for some reason, so happy. Don't ask me why I was so happy because I have no idea. I have never been a plant person. Even plants people have said I couldn't 'possibly' kill I did. Anyways, getting it home was no easy feat. I had to drive like 20 mph on the freeway. Also getting it upstairs wasn't too pretty either - thank goodness my neighbor was also just getting in. I had planned to photograph it and post it for Wednesday- well as you know plans change. Here is the pic of my new palm. And yes, the space around the plant is temporarily cluttered.
On a sad note....Waymon Tisdale jazz musician and former NBA Baller has died.
Happy Hump Day everyone! Its been a great week thus far- Well, not for the Rockets they lost last night's game by 30. Not sure what to make of this - but this I know for sure- its not over yet! They are going to take it to 7!
I had planned to write about something else but I will save that for later in the week ( Am I teasing my writing? :)).
I got a quick call from my girlfriend Michelle. We normally check in with each other regularly but since I decided to pay it forward ( this will come later as well) with Lisa Nichols book to her for Mother's day, we have been on the phone for brief boosts of positive energy four and five times a day for the last couple of days. This morning she asked me if I had ever heard of the Optimist's Creed from the Secret, which Lisa Nichols is also featured. She said she thought I would love it and encouraged me to look for it sooner rather than later. I got off the phone with her and decided to look it up while I had my coffee. I thought it was a great push for the rest of the week. Enjoy
I Promise Myself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet. To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds. To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
...Happy Mother's Day -a day late- I know but its the thought that counts! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. The only bad thing about the weekend is it just goes by sooooo fast. Since I had to work all day Sunday, my mom and I decided to hang out on Saturday. We went to the Lisa Nichols book signing - which btw was powerful (more on that later) and had a wonderful time. After the book signing we went to dinner and because I had to open Sunday morning went straight home. Short but sweet. Here's a pic of her after signing our books. All I can say is graduate school, law school - No Matter What!
In basketball news the Rockets have not taken their last breath just yet.....They won last night and for some reason even though I am not into the series, I am happy for them..They have a tough road ahead......gotta love the underdog....Go Rockets!!!!
This is week 3 of the Cougar Challenge. Last week, I logged 39 miles last week walking. Hopefully, I can increase this as the weeks go on. I wanna win a prize!
I don't know if it's the anticipation of the weekend or what but somehow on a Friday morning I can never ever evah sleep late....and by late I mean at least until 7 a.m. This Friday morning was no exception. I was wide-eyed and bushy-tail, ready to get the show on the road before the alarm went off.
I don't have any big plans for today nor the rest of weekend. I do however plan to attend the Lisa Nichols book signing on campus Saturday with my mommy. Its going to be Mother's Day for us cuz I have to work ALL day on Sunday.
I found this article in the Houston Chronicle about Mrs. Obama and her bringing back the cardigan. I am glad she was able to because every time I wore one somebody would call me Mrs. Rogers - as if that's funny. I have thick skin when it comes to my cardigans so I would basically brush my shoulders off. I have them in solids only. I haven't quite mastered the prints yet - though some of the ones I have seen her in I LOVE. The article also offers some tips on how to wear a cardigan if you're new to the latest fashion statement.
While I am on the topic of the First Lady, I have been waiting for the PSA of Mrs. Obama on Sesame Street to surface on YouTube and I found it. I didn't know Sesame Street had a YouTube channel. Here it is - enjoy. Hope your day got off to a great start!
I can be a selfish reader sometimes. I often find really good articles and keep them to myself. The last couple of blog posts I have tried to step out of that and share with you a little of what interests me. I came across this a while back in the New York Times and kept the link to go back and forth, mainly to keep looking at the roti and bake and shark featured. It is titled, Tasting Trinidad and it was done back in 2007 but, even today, the images still bring about a good feeling.
Have a great Thursday!
P.S. On a totally random note....The Rockets lost the 2nd game to the Lakers last night. Let's just say the Lakers are something else - and that Derrick Fisher. I am so shocked by what he did in the game. I didn't know he was that kinda player. And Kobe - just a leetle reminder - Artest is not going to let you push him around!
Isn't this a fabulous image to start hump day? I thought so. The image of course if of Mrs. Obama on her first visit (as first lady) to NYC giving the opening remarks at the Time Magazine's 100 gala. She was also being honored as one of the 100 most influential people. And yes, the President made the list too. I really liked the image where you could see the entire dress but she wasn't smiling so I opted for this one. Oprah wrote the piece for Time. See it here. Also, there is a blog post in the Chicago Tribune about whether or not her image is changing. See that post here. I personally don't believe her image has changed. I just believe its how its now being interpreted. I for one has seen her as fabulous as she was the day her husband announced he was running.
Also, in signing into my gmail, I noticed one of my old college classmates (and good friend) has a new article up so I thought I would post the link to it here - way to go Kim! Love seeing your name in the bylines
Also, my plan was to post something on yesterday but, for some reason I just couldn't write. The words were just not flowing....Kinda weird. Anyways, in an attempt to hold myself accountable, a little update on some of the things I said I would start doing for at least 100 to make the plan become habit. I know the list below is short - just keep in mind its just the 5th of the month so don't knock me....be supportive of my little progress :)
In my challenge with my girlfriend Nikki to lose 25 pounds by the 25th of December, I have been logging my steps. The pedometer that was issued to me for use during the Cougar Challenge is a little light and tends to fall of with a quick movements. I have tried to shift it in different spots to prevent this but it has happened at least twice a day. Hopefully as I get used to having it, it will stay put.
I have been writing - just not here. I have made several journal entries in my journal. I am currently writing in a really cute journal with custom pages but I think I will be happy when I move on to one with just lined pages. Some days I just want to write MORE.
I have been clearing out email as it comes in. No easy task - trust. Between ads for bigger male parts and becoming a better this or that, you would think that I would immediately hit the delete button but for some reason in my mind, ignoring them seems to work. Enough was finally enough.