05 November 2008

Yes We Can......

And better said....Yes We Did! And to think I almost MISSED it. I was getting extremely discouraged watching the coverage. I flipped from channel to channel; from CNN to CSPAN to MSNBC to NBC to ABC, searching for some one's commentary I could relate to. All I could think about was Tim Russert. .....I really believe his coverage of this election would have been untouchable.My tummy began to tumble. Anxiety was kickin my butt.
  Initially it seemed solemn and not favorable to the Dems. Around 9:30 I decided I would go to bed and pray for the best, so I started preparing for that. I didn't turn the TV off though. No sirree.....I went about my nightly routine with my ear on that TV. After I completed my routine I went into the kitchen to grab a  glass of water.....Evidently I wasn't listening as well as I thought because as I poured the water, ALL I heard was "Barack Obama (slight pause here).... has just become the first African American president of the United States" ....I was like WTH.....I ran back into the living room and they were showing live coverage of students of Spelman in Atlanta and TONS of people hugging and crying and giving each other high-fives on the streets of Harlem. I didn't do any watch parties and was by myself and as it was happening I was kinda wishing I wasn't. It was a surreal moment. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless. Even though I voted for him BOTH times, I was still concerned as to whether this feat could be accomplished. But when I heard those words, well at that point you know I couldn't go to sleep. I started flipping even more. People were calling, texts were flying. It was captivating. So much so that I didn't go to bed until the wee wee hours of the morning. When I got up today, I wasn't even tired. 
To be honest, I felt renewed....I am sure in the months to come that will only grow. This morning I watched all the major networks coverage, kinda like I did last night, ABC to NBC to CBS....On CBS I saw Maya Angelou....she expressed EXACTLY the way I was feeling.  Check this video out ....Fabulous! Enjoy

30 October 2008

Where Did the Cash Go A.I.G.?

The New York Times posed this question in yesterday's paper concerning the $123 billion they received earlier this month. Take look at the article here.  Analysts are looking for clues as to whether or not executives  knew about losses prior to the bailout. Kinda hard to stomach that they were doing well in September then NOT in October. And get this,  the internal auditor is in seclusion! Now why is THAT necessary. Since I have a little money (and I mean a little) with them I am keeping my eye on this to see how it unfolds

27 October 2008

D.L.Hughley's new show

   D. L. Hughley debuted a new show on CNN Saturday night. Its called D.L. Hughley Breaks the News and I thought it was okay. Not good, not bad, just okay.  I think it has potential to be. Yea be...It's definitely not on point yet..... not like The Daily Show, which I like a lot. 

There definitely were some rough spots.  Like the monologue. And when he tried to talk with journalists from Russia, India and China...THAT did not go well. The responses didn't seem to fit the questions and the whole delay thing did not help. There were some other points in in between those two,  but I don't want to seem like it was a TOTAL wash because it was definitely better than this.  I will watch next Saturday to see if there is any change.  Let's just say I don't for see this lasting.

24 October 2008

I am getting antsy

If there is such as thing....I know I only voted yesterday and the rest of yous( yea I said it yous) haven't voted and WON'T be until the day of the election but I need this election...... TODAY!!! I have been a YouTube freak lately...Here's is one of the best singing about the future...Enjoy

23 October 2008

Rock da vote!

Trying to blog while standing in line to vote. Thanks to all who sent reminders!
Vote Republican
Vote Democratic

21 October 2008

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Purple Ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos

Three women are murdered EVERY day. 

That's one of the stats given by the  National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. It needed to stand alone. While their main focus of NCADV is to provide a link to advocates across the nation, they also mourn the loss of lives lost to domestic violence and celebrate those who have survived. 
At the height of this awareness, during the mid to the late 90's, I  volunteered with JASA (Just A Sister Away) House. The non-profit would provide clothing and secure shelter to women in need. During the month of October, as a volunteer, we would create these stand alone walk through type boards with the names of all the women who lost their life at the hand of a man. As with all non-profits funding is the name of the game and it was difficult for the two women running it to keep it all afloat.
 The national organization used to do something similar called Remember My Name but when I went to their site, I noticed there hasn't been a list since 2004. 

October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month and over the years I have seen activities and events surrounding DVA slowly diminish in favor of Breast Cancer Awareness. Both causes are important and I can see how easy it is to talk about one more than the other. 

For those interested in taking action, volunteering to assist afflicted partners (partners because occasionally it can happen to a man too) and their children, but don't have time to participate in an event, check out their site. Though it looks like certain pages haven't been updated in a while, some things don't have an expiration date.  They list things as simple as donating your old mobile phones, or if you got it like that, donating a car. 

Also while it is Domestic Violence month, violence doesn't stop when the month ends.   Check you local area to see if there are any events planned outside of the month and make sure you take those old mobiles and help someone in need out. 

15 October 2008

Information is the platform for better decision making...... Blog Action Day 2008

Today is Blog Action Day and over nine thousands bloggers (and podcasters and videocasters) have committed to lending a voice for the cause. Last year's mission was the environment. This year their spotlight is on poverty. I say their because I didn't register to partake in the event. That, however, does not stop me from bringing their efforts to your attention.

According to an article in the Washington Post at least a third of the world's population lives in poverty. BAD 08 hopes by initiating a call to action on complex issues like this one, through the blogosphere, allowing us all to participate in the cause and help fight the problem.   

With the power of the internet and the millions of individuals who actually read or write blogs, it seems fitting for this call to action to be sent out through this medium. And you can get your favorite blogger's point of view on the issue. Where else can you touch so many people at one time?

As I mentioned earlier Blog Action Day's goal is to create discussion. Discussion on finding resources for individuals dealing with poverty, what can be done to solve the problem, Check out Blog Action Day's site here.  Also check out some of the participants and their responses here. It's being updated throughout the day so check back periodically. Blog talk radio is also doing a talkathon. You can also listen to the 12 hour radio show here. 

What can one person do, you say? Blog Action suggests you could do like I am doing and post about it, give to the cause or create an event at your place of employment. And if you're STILL cant decide what to do, check this list of 88 ways to do something about poverty NOW!

I decided to look over the list to find other ways I could participate in the cause as I see posting as minimal involvement. Several of them, specifically 1 and 41 I have already begun to do and while I didn't have poverty in mind, I am glad to see I am  on my way. 

When you know better, you do better.....
Lady Writer
P.S. I forgot to give a leetle credit to the blog that brought this good cause to my attention in the 1st place. I came across this as a part of my new desire to introduce you to blogs you may not know. I will profile Jeri's Organizing & Decluttering News at a later date. She gives some really good suggestions on how the effort of controlling clutter relates to poverty. 

*** ok, update...I did register this post. hopefully doing so will lend a hand to the cause***

14 October 2008

Don't call it a come back.....

......I've been here for YEARS, rockin my peers and putting suckas in fear

I am back........well sorta, kinda, in a way. It seems like I haven't written a post in ages......Ok well THREE months to be exact - minus the test I tried to do yesterday from my phone. So what have I been up to you ask.....a big 'ol FAT pity party!

I have done this disappearing act before and the problem remains the same - I just don't know what to write about at times. First it would be a day or two, then a week. Then two weeks.....see where this is going??? Then I am faced with coming back with something worthy of your visit and then inevitably I panic. I begin to think why did I start this blog, no one really reads it anyway. They're really reading Afrobella and Bossip and Stereohyped and needless to say I spiral and that's how we get to THREE whole months.

So that's basically it in a nutshell. I enjoy writing but life seems to get in the way sometimes, coupled with the fact that I grapple with WHAT to write about and to that friends have said "everything, anything Mel. DUHHH!!!". That may sound simple enough but truth is it makes the come back process even harder...While I am interested in things going on in the world right now politics (you know, THAT one) the economy ( I am soooo scared to log into my account) and let's not get started on GAS- though I must admit it has gone down about a quarter since I filled up at the high price of $3.29 last week. I just don't feel I could do any of the real issues with these topics justice.

So back to my dilemma ......that short answer from said friends got me to thinkin' ...Hmmmm (*scratching head, eyes toward the ceiling*), maybe I can blog about those whose writing I like. I had been a blog reader for a couple of years well before I started my own. Some that I read are popular, like the aforementioned and some not so, but it could just be that you've never heard of them and waiting for me to introduce them to you. So that's it, that's my new idea....Let's see how it goes.....

I'm gonna knock you out....Momma said knock you out ( Repeat 4X for DA full effect!

13 October 2008


From my iPhone.... trying to see if I can actually blog from my phone.

14 July 2008

The Obama New Yorker Cover, Satire ....okay....Callous is more like it

Normally in the mornings, while getting ready for work,  I always turn on the television to see what's going on in the world. This morning, of course, I bolted out of the door without so much as a snippet of the weather report. By the time I got to work, I started getting IM's and texts regarding Barack Obama on the cover of the New Yorker. Looking it up on the web was limited- mainly because I was busy and well its Monday!
I literally BROKE  my neck to get home to watch programming on all the major news channels regarding this New Yorker cover. I have always known the New Yorker magazine to be a standard within journalism. My professor for Advanced News Writing made the entire class review the magazine, its layout, the articles, that kinda thing. Satire is what makes this magazine work. That being said I find this cover with its use of extreme satire, extremely callous. 

While I FULLY understand satire and its purpose of exposing our ignorant beliefs, I can also see how people would NOT know how to take this- to the point where they could be offended by the image presented.
What also concerns me is that those who aren't going to get this piece of satire probably don't read the New Yorker and probably didn't know there was a magazine called the New Yorker until now and two (especially after watching Anderson 360 tonight) for whatever reason even though Obama has repeatedly said he isn't  Muslim, people are insistent that he is.  A woman said she doesn't like THE candidate (she didn't use his name) but stated the reason she wouldn't vote for him was - are you ready--because he is a Muslim!
Lastly, and this bothers me quite a bit; what about those that worship as Muslims. And I am not referring to the fanatical ones. I am talking about the ones that live next door to you and me who go to work every day to  take care of their households and families and basically mind their own business. As Obama finds himself having to say he is not Muslim, how will they interpret it? 

Sparrow for Obama

Because we as West Indians, like the rest of the world, will be impacted by the outcome of this election too. Check this video out done by CNN.

13 July 2008

Daughters of Legacy

'Daughters of Legacy'
 CNN's Don Lemon is hosting this sit down conversation with the daughters of some of the most famous men in history. Daughters of Legacy aired earlier tonight and there will be additional showings tomorrow, today - if you're up late like I am. Watching it again now- don't ask -bad, bad, BAD case of insomnia. Check it out. I don't think I have seen a lot of interviews of any of Malcom X's daughters, nor did I know the connection she and Sidney Poitier's daughter shared.  In addition CNN is doing a series on what its like to be Black in America July 23rd and 24th. I am eagerly awaiting this piece in its entirety. Check out a few clips here from the site

25 June 2008

Hmm....What have we here

Though I haven't been wondering what Michael Jackson has been up to, it appears some have. I could speculate on a couple of things but then again maybe not. Word is - according to New York Magazine's The Cut that is - that MJ is going to launch a clothing line. See the article here. Unfortunately( or fortunately depending on how you look at things) its going to be sold exclusively at a boutique in Los Angeles. Hopefully the cut or some other fashion magazine will have pics of the new line so we can all check it out. Glad to know its not one of the things that crossed my mind.

18 June 2008

Taking a back step

So the other day I said that I didn't think Meet the Press host Tim Russert was replaceable. I personally feel like no one is going to be able to break down the complexity that is politics the way he did. Well, its no secret lots of bloggers are debating this very same topic - though some have taken it a step further. Media Bistro's FishbowlDC blogger, Patrick Gavin decided to take a look at possible replacements. See the post here. He went through the pros and cons of some obvious ones like Tom Brokaw and Dick Gregory. As I continued reading. I saw a name on the list that never crossed my mind - Gwen Ifill. Gwen Ifill from the PBS show Gwen Ifill. It never occurred to me. I've seen her show and I have seen her on MTP and always thought how great it was to see a black woman as well versed in politics as she was. But as a replacement for Tim Russert? I have to say, I think she can. She and Russert had a good professional relationship as she recalled in a post she did for The Root on Sunday. His post jogged my memory. See the article here in which she refers to him as a stand up brother. She also talk about their friendship, him hiring her and his sincere interest in finding out about things he didn't know. It was nice to seem him remembered outside of main stream news.

This will sure to play out in the next couple of days and I now can't wait to see who the permanent replacement will be.

Gavin also blogged live from the Russert memorial. Take a look at it here. I guess since its a DC blog it had lots to cover with the passing of Russert. One of his first posts this morning was a graphic from some a T-shirt made in Russert's honor.

17 June 2008

Taking baby steps.....

If you have stopped by my blog before you may have noticed that I have done a little revamping. When I first changed the layout, I didn't like it so much but after a day of two of looking at it, its as if it has gotten a nice makeover. Its a big girl blog now. Though I still see what I write as having an identity crisis, I think the pink background didn't help my case at all.

I also plan to increase my posting in that original goal of practicing my writing. As I have said there is no real identity so we will see where this goes.

Let me know what you think........

NBA Finals...Its Final

Whew!!!!!!!!   Finally, the FAT lady has sung! I was worried when the Celtics lost Sunday night's game but then I remembered; they were headed BACK to Boston and that would probably be the most fitting way to close this thing out. Paul Pierce MVP - sweet.

 I knew this was over, shortly before the 1st half ended, when Kevin Garnett sunk an awesome awesome shot. I actually got up and headed to my laptop to surf the web... Phil Jackson even alluded to this as being pivotal in the game.  

Way to go Celtics! It's been a long time

Best Wishes in the Big Apple

You've probably heard me say this a time or two already but, part of the fun of having a blog is to be able to write about whatever tickles your fancy. Some people have narrowed down their focus a bit and have followed their passion to the fullest.  But a lot of people are like me - they haven't quite found that niche yet. 

One of my girlfriends has found her niche.  In fact that's part of her company's name - Accessory Niche. Tomorrow, she is headed to the Big Apple to take part in a competition for independent handbag designers. Big sister, Sonya and her Mom are accompanying her to this one of a kind competition. Isn't family support nice :)
Here's a shot of the winning entry .

Her bag, named the "Nubuck Hobo", is in The Best Handmade Handbag Category in the Second Annual Independent Handbag Designer Awards. 

Kudos goes out to Shara - that's her name- because she is 1 of 5 selected of out 600- from around the globe. The competition takes place tomorrow, with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres being served before the 8:30 PM awards presentation.

In business since 2003, she focuses on creating classical design styles with a twist -as she puts it-of modern detail. While she has only been in business since 2003, I remember her way WAY back (in junior high, mind you) always creating, always designing something. Check out her some of her other designs on her website here

Good Luck again, Shara. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Be sure to email me or post a comment after the awards ceremony.

For more information on the Independent Handbag Designer Awards check out their site here.

16 June 2008

Honoring the great Tim Russert...Irreplaceable

If you are into news and journalism like me, then you understand why between emptying boxes this weekend, I was glued to NBC and MSNBC. I watched ALL and I mean ALL  of the coverage on Tim Russert. When I posted news of his sudden death on Friday, it had just reached the internet so there wasn't much written on him. By the time I got home from work though, it was a different story. It was all over both stations as drops here and there on the other news stations. 
Don't ask me why, I have never met the man, but I was truly saddened by this. I did watch his show and I still remember when he wrote Florida Florida Florida on the little white erase board. Someone left a similar one with his name on it outside the studio.  Talk about tugging at the heart. Matt Lauer was part of the saturday edition of the Today Show and when he said, "Pal, go get 'em". I lost it a bit. I did lose it sunday though when Meet the Press started and  Tom Brokaw said this is a celebration". Wow. I repeat I did not know this man. Part of what made his show so interesting to me was the way he approached his interviews and how he always seemed to make sense of politics that didn't. I always came away with a better understanding after seeing a topic discussed on his show.  This year's election coverage will truly be unfamiliar without him. I am thinking Meet the Press should stop here and have another show with a different name. I don't think anyone will be able to Rake 'em over like Russert. Truly Irreplaceable!
My sadness of the situation changed though this morning thought. The Today show had an extensive interview with his son, Luke. He was all smiles and acknowledged all that was great about his Dad. He spoke with grace and elegance and even gave Matt Lauer a laugh or two. See the video below. 

Ahhhh............To Be At the Top of Your Game

When I decided to start blogging, my main goal was just to have a forum to write. To not lose the skill. And when I was ready to hit the pavement in search of  THAT  writing gig -be it freelance or otherwise,  I would be able to hit the ground running, ready to work.   I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about, because I love a LOT of things - a LOT. I love entertainment a lot, I love fashion a lot, and I love beauty (if you saw the counter space in my bathroom you would know this was definitely true - product junkie til I die). In addition, I had come across several blogs that were really doing it and I guess lack of confidence had me thinking I couldn't compete. So I decided I would just write about nothing in particular. Of course nothing in particular doesn't draw traffic, which we now know can translate into big bucks. Blogging has become mainstream and there is no shortage of those who have decided to follow the trend. Some of my favorite blogs have found their niche and have built a nice following to suit.  Entertainment blogs like Young Black and Fabulous and Bossip, fashion blog I Like Her Style and beauty blogs like Afrobella and Shake Your Beauty have all receive national nods for their blogs. I Like Her Style was recently featured in the May issue of Essence magazine (p. 92, to be exact) as part of their work and wealth series. She gave herself a pat on the back here
Another example of how ingrained in our society bloggers have become - not to mention the lucrative benefits is Perez Hilton. Friday, the Los Angeles Times put the spotlight on Hilton's (a.k.a Mario Lavandeira) success in their How I Made It section of the Business pages.   Not sure if you have to get an account with them to read the article, but here is the link. Hilton talks about how he began blogging as a hobby and why he chose to focus on Hollywood. I am sure getting sued by New York Post gossip section, Page Six didn't hurt either. The article says advertisers pay as much as 54K to run a one day- yep you read correctly ONE DANG DAY ad package on his site.... Is this only news to me or is it just a well kept secret.
I started this blog as a hobby so we will see. 

13 June 2008

Sad news, Thought Provoking news and just plain old FYI

Happy Friday to you all.... Here's a couple of stories that I found interesting. In addition it allows me to showcase some of my favorite spots for news and the like. Enjoy....

  •  Meet the Press moderator Tim Russert has died. He was 58. See early reports here.
  • In other political news, on a story that broke earlier this week, various bloggers are seething at Fox News for a story they did in which they referred to Michelle Obama as a baby mama. Poor judgement my ass......Check out the coverage of this ignorance as expressed in the opinions of writers at  The Daily Voice, The Huffington Post and Afrobella's . I would place a link to an urban dictionary but I don't to insult meh readers. 
  • Sharon Tate's killer wants to get out of jail........ so she can die.. It says she is seeking a 'compassionate' release from prision...Wonder where that compassion was when she killed Tate. See the article here (taken from CNN's website). Damn bold if you ask me!
  • The people who tied their son to a tree for being disobedient, could be looking at murder charges. See the article here from the Fayetteville Observer
  • In sports, I am so feeling the way the Boston Celtics are playing in the NBA finals.They are up 3-1. See ESPN's coverage here in an article titled Into Thin Air. Fitting, don't you think? I don't want to get too excited cuz the fat lady hasn't sung as yet but if you're a fan, you can't help but feel excited about this one....Go Boston!!!!
  • In Business news, Shaquille O'Neal is trying to make the transition smooth. See this article in the Orlando Sentinel. I always liked him. 
  • Coming soon (July 11, to be exact) to an AT&T store near you Apple plans to release a new iPhone - at a cheaper rate nonetheless. The iPhone blog recently did posts on why you should and shouldn't upgrade to the new iPhone 3G.  I love a balance. 
And last but not least if you haven't heard this piece of news by now...sit first because you WILL be shocked...R ruh (that's R&B artist, R. Kelly for you non-listeners) has been acquitted of all charges. What did you say, "Blow you over with a feather"? Yea, I was shocked too! I had to check several credible news sources before I shared it with others. I am sure this is not the end of this, but this is where we are today 13 June, 2008. (Article taken from MSNBC)

Have a good weekend!

24 May 2008

Happy Birthday to me......

Couldn't let the ENTIRE day go by without wishing myself a happy birthday. Yes I do see that the cake has a 65 on it and NO i am not 65 but you have to admit the cake is cute.Got lots of calls from friends and family ( my mom called me at EXACTLY 1:50) It was great...I am in Columbus (Ohio for those who have asked) right now and got to spend some time with the younger members of my family...more about that when i return. Got some nice pics from the MLS game we went to-and I forgot the connection cord so I can't upload.Also a nice b-day Boston pulled out a win in Detroit nonetheless....I still can't believe that one..Anyway I will detail the weekend out when I return...Have a great Memorial Day weekend

19 May 2008

Cookies and Cookies and Cookies Oh my!!!

Happy Monday All.....In my morning perusal of the web I saw this. Why, oh why I ask, couldn't this little mishap - minus the havoc it no doubt caused to morning rush hour traffic- have happened near me. Call me _____, but I am sure some, you know, the ones that were on top were salvageable. Where is the Silk? Enjoy!

09 May 2008

I am such a BIG kid....

I know its kinda late in the year for this type of thing but, I finally ordered a new planner. I normally purchase one around mid-December but since I was in Trinidad, it didn't happen. To be honest, it didn't even cross my mind.  I became obsessed with fact that I didn't have one. I found myself writing notes,phone numbers and other things I needed to remember on scraps of paper only to lose them later.  My Dad, hearing my complaints, finally gave me one. It is not as detailed as planners I have used in the past and it is a little bulky. But I digressed which in turn led to me being grateful for what I had. I still wasn't thrilled with it though but I kept using it. When I returned from my trip, I got back on my daily/weekly perusal of blogs.  One of my favorite blogs, All About the Pretty had a post where she mentioned the Planner Pad system for keeping organized. See the snippet here. When I saw the post, I was immediately interested in trying it. I have a mobile phone with a planner but the electronic thing just wasn't and hasn't been working out. I have also tried other paper planners and just wasn't totally happy. I decided to Google Planner Pads and see others who either blogged about it or reviewed it. I ended up finding several rave reviews. My original plan was to wait until the 2009 to purchase it. Though they give the option of staring every quarter (April, July, October). I personally didn't want to do that. Call me anal but, I just prefer to start at the beginning.  I mentioned it to a friend and she said she would purchase the July. After the initial discussion, we just kept talking about the planner (she has a thing for All About the Pretty too :)! I decided to call the company and find out more. The representative was really nice. She sent me samples and answered all my questions. I also shared with her that I wasn't sold on the July date and she said there were still planners in the January 2008 packs.  At that point I was sold and ordered one for me and my partner in crime. Well after seven LONG agonizing days of waiting, they have finally arrived.  My plan was to wait to open the package with my buddy present, but as I said I am such a big kid, I became distracted with the box sitting on my desk. I decided to move it and kept wondering about its contents. I have NO patience. I feel kinda guilty so I am going to stop here. My buddy reads my blog so I don't want to divulge too much. I will post something about the planner once I have had an opportunity to use it.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

30 April 2008

What If.....

..... no one was fat?  That's the title of a new article posted recently on MSN.com in the money section. See the entire article here.  While the thought runs through my mind FREQUENTLY regarding myself, I've never pondered it regarding the population as a whole.  The article theorizes what could happen to the airline, food and weight-loss industries if the over 66% of overweight Americans ate less and maintained a healthy body weight. Fuel for airlines would cost less (because there would be less weight on the plane), Jenny Craig, Weight Watches and Nutri-System would not exist and doctors who made their living treating ailments caused by obesity would have to consider another facet of medicine. The cost would be so significant that, according to the article, that every American family could be given $4000.00. It makes you want to rethink that super-size option.

28 April 2008

For Alexis, Bianca, Mason, Noah, Victoria, Ryan and Devin

Yesterday, I participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies. The walk supports research efforts in finding cures for birth defects, premature births and infant mortality. Employers and individuals alike come together with this main goal in mind. I have done this walk consistently since 1999 and it was the first time I noticed the T-shirts. Of course you have the corporate ones like UH, Macy's, Bechtel and Continental, but it was the personal ones that caught my eye. AsI said earlier I have done this walk yearly, but never with anyone in mind. After spotting these personally designed tees and posters as I walked the five miles, I felt like yesterday had a purpose. I approached the family of the children above and inquired about their stories. Some had happy beginnings.

Bianca, Victoria, Noah, and Alexis  all had rough beginnings but are all doing well now. Ryan and Devins' story did not have the same results.  Ryan was born in June of 2002 with a heart defect. He blessed his family for 13 days before sadly succumbing to his heart defect on Father's Day.  Ryan's Aunt Sylvia, who is pictured with me at the 5-mile finish, walked in his honor.                                                                  Devin was born prematurely lived for a month and sadly died in 2003. His family was out in full force in support of the cause. They were happy when they spoke about Devin and all walked with pride in support of their son and brother.

Yesterday was dedicated to Alexis, Bianca, Mason, Noah, Victoria, Ryan and Devin and their families.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

25 April 2008

Not Guilty

How is it that police unload 50 bullets on three men, killing one and then a court of law acquits them of ALL wrong doing? That is the end result of the Sean Bell trial. According to a New York Post article this morning, the judge in the case, prior to announcing the verdict said that the police officer's version of events were more credible than the victims' version. Read the entire article here. I remember this story during the 2006 Thanksgiving holidays as we had family in from New York. In discussing the events, we all believed this case would have a better ending for the survivors, unlike Amadou Diallo. You may recall he met the same fate back in 1999 when police unloaded 40 or so bullets on him. Their justification for this - they believed he was armed. In reality he was reaching for his wallet. After only two days of deliberating the jury cleared the police officers in his case of any wrong. His family sued and was awarded a three million dollar settlement. I wonder how many more times will this have to happen before we as a society see something wrong with this type of policing. 

24 April 2008

A New Venture

I have two loves...actually I have more than two loves but for purposes of this, I will make it simple. I thought to further increase my writing, I would, along with Thoughts on Paper and another friend ( I haven't asked her permission to pur her out there yet), blog about my latest endeavor- running a half marathon. We will blog about our journey at Three Runners. Check it out when you have a chance. I know running and weight loss ( the result of running) is a private thing for most but maybe what you read on Three Runners may help you on your journey or perhaps motivate you to add something new to your workout routine. Either way I hope you enjoy the blog.

Be Careful On Those Houston Highways

About a week or so ago, I was headed down a main freeway here when I first saw one of these . I almost ran into the railing of the freeway. Needless to say I was SHOCKED.  Reading about this here and seeing it in person is two TOTALLY different experiences. What is the world coming to? Cars that you CAN'T ...yes that's what I said CAN'T see unless you are LITERALLY on them. Somehow I have the feeling that is so the POINT! I immediately went home and jumped on the web to see if I could find out what this sighting was all about.  I looked on HPD's website and several local news sites to no avail. Though I was still in shock about the whole sighting, since I couldn't find anything on it, I began to think maybe it was some sort of prototype and what I saw wasn't REALLY what was happening or more importantly what I began to think could happen in the future. Well that thought changed today. I was going through my daily (....ok every other day) read of my favorite blogs and behold The Insite blogged about the Houston Police Department's newest resource yesterday. Call me suspicious but...personally ALL I see is entrapment. What do you think? 

13 April 2008

Happy Sunday blog readers. Today I attended a special mass at the newly dedicated Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral here in Houston. The mass was for St. Catherine. Special guests included the President of Xavier University, its local alumni and members from St. Francis of Xavier Catholic Church and of course, the rest of us commoners.  St. Catherine, originally Katherine Drexel, was born into a wealthy family in Philadelphia in 1855. She was vocal about racism and injustice when it wasn't vogue. An heir to millions, she gave up her inheritance and dedicated all of her wealth and efforts to providing schools to Blacks and Native Americans mainly located in the southwest. One of her most well known accomplishments is Xavier University, hence their attendance at the speical mass. She died in 1955 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in  2000.

As I mentioned Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral was dedicated earlier this month. It was my first since the dedication. We decided to head to the church a little early to listen to Father Troy discuss the construction of the cathedral and its contents. Above are a couple of shots of the inside.  The mass was nice traditional - no short cuts. Very similar to when I was a kid. Because of where we were sitting, we took communion from the newly elevated Cardinal, Daniel Di Nardo. That was pretty cool, if I could use those words. Don't ask me why that was important but it was. I wanted to get a picture with Cardinal Di Nardo but my mom was NOT having it. She looked at me as if I was mad when I asked her to take my picture. She was like, "Well I want you to take MY picture"! So I guess you know where this short story is going- She got the picture.  She seemed rather pleased with herself. 

04 March 2008

I'm back.....but you knew that already!

Hello readers! I know I have been missing in action since returning from Trinidad a couple of weeks ago. I had a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL time!!! My last couple of days there I became extremely nostalgic and began to contemplate how I could get a few more days off of the ticket- you know the path I was going down- plotting to give up my seat if they ask me or better yet, 'accidentally' miss my flight during the rush hour period where everyone tries to leave the island. I began to feel guilty and on the last night finally  came to my senses, packed all of my bags with all things remnant of Trinidad- Radical Designs t-shirts for me, my brothers and my nephews, seasonings from Chief (yea de curry people) and homemade chow-chow,courtesy of Auntie Gurlaine (thanks Auntie Gurlaine!). 
After I got back, I got sooooo sick....my mom said it was because I wasn't READY for that kind of feteing. She REAL bold fuh dat!!! Honestly, she was right but of course  I didn't have the heart to tell her that. I just took the sickness like a woman.  She brought me soup and juice and comforted me  while I sat around dazed for an entire weekend.
In a way I am happy to get back. I missed blogging (and reading blogs)and had high hopes to actively blog while I was there.  Internet services and sheer access were no where near what I am used to and I have high hopes government officials eventually will get it to high standards. Go TSTT or Blink and whomever else decides to jump in the high-speed internet arena.  May the force be with you!
I miss Trinidad a lot and while I was there I took a ton of pictures. I got a Nikon D40X right before I left for Trinidad. It is a nice camera, nothing like anything I have ever owned before. It made me love photography even more. More about that in a later post. As I write I am thinking I can use them to pacify myself until my next visit. Right now  I am trying to figure out how best to archive them. I was thinking of getting a Flickr or some like account but I haven't quite decided. This particular photo is one of my favorites. It was taken at Girl Power when the fete was over at like 8 in the morning. (Yes! 8 in da mornin!) Don't we look fresh? There are a lot more like this one.  
A lot went on while I was in Trinidad. I will try to touch on some of those things that aren't time sensitive in coming posts. Til then.....

04 January 2008

Could It Be?


One of my goals for the new year (along with my fellow blogger Thoughts on Paper) is to volunteer at a presidential candidate's local office. If nothing else to learn a little more of the political process. Initially I said it wouldn't matter the candidate as long as the experience was fulfilling. Over time that too has changed. In watching the news last night and this morning I see presidential hopeful Barack Obama's performance in Iowa and it made me wonder; Could he become president? His showing last night was impressive and for me surprising. While I would like to see him become president, I keep thinking his lack of experience will hinder his progress. Despite that, I wish him well and want to see him succeed. I guess if I plan to volunteer in his offices I need to work on my support. Good Luck in New Hampshire, Mr. Obama. Photo courtesy of Reuters 

Happy New Year!!!

Ok so I know I'm a little late but I couldn't possibly start with anything else. As mentioned in the previous post, I am in Trinidad for a LONG holiday.  The weather is hot !!! In the past few weeks, I have shopped with my sisters, attended an Aunt's 75th birthday party and celebrated both Christmas and New Year's. It has been a memorable one to say the least.  One of the main reasons for my coming during this holiday period was to spend time with my sisters. Living in different countries makes a yearly gathering difficult. Needless to say I was the ONLY one touched by this sentimental thought. 
They went on their way daily and didn't give my being there so much as a thought. I thought i would show you the ungrateful parties so you would know them when you see them. This photo is from New Year's Day.  It was taken with my new Nikon D40X. I am falling in love with this camera. The company's slogan is EVERY one can take great photos.  They were right.  The photo was a little dark when it was taken. Once I transferred it into the program, I just brightened it up a little and whola! Beeyootifull. In reality though I need to spend a some time with the video to trouble shoot some of the problems other problems I am having.  Some of the photographs have come out a little blurry. Not sure why especially since they look great on the camera. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas as to why this is happening, please comment.
 On another note, I normally write out my goals and dreams for the year but for some reason I didn't do it this year.  I obviously have a few in mind and would like to put pen to paper as soon as possible. To me putting it on paper makes it seem valid. Got any ideas? Until next time. All the best to you and yours