Initially it seemed solemn and not favorable to the Dems. Around 9:30 I decided I would go to bed and pray for the best, so I started preparing for that. I didn't turn the TV off though. No sirree.....I went about my nightly routine with my ear on that TV. After I completed my routine I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.....Evidently I wasn't listening as well as I thought because as I poured the water, ALL I heard was "Barack Obama (slight pause here).... has just become the first African American president of the United States" ....I was like WTH.....I ran back into the living room and they were showing live coverage of students of Spelman in Atlanta and TONS of people hugging and crying and giving each other high-fives on the streets of Harlem. I didn't do any watch parties and was by myself and as it was happening I was kinda wishing I wasn't. It was a surreal moment. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless. Even though I voted for him BOTH times, I was still concerned as to whether this feat could be accomplished. But when I heard those words, well at that point you know I couldn't go to sleep. I started flipping even more. People were calling, texts were flying. It was captivating. So much so that I didn't go to bed until the wee wee hours of the morning. When I got up today, I wasn't even tired.
To be honest, I felt renewed....I am sure in the months to come that will only grow. This morning I watched all the major networks coverage, kinda like I did last night, ABC to NBC to CBS....On CBS I saw Maya Angelou....she expressed EXACTLY the way I was feeling. Check this video out ....Fabulous! Enjoy