24 April 2008

Be Careful On Those Houston Highways

About a week or so ago, I was headed down a main freeway here when I first saw one of these . I almost ran into the railing of the freeway. Needless to say I was SHOCKED.  Reading about this here and seeing it in person is two TOTALLY different experiences. What is the world coming to? Cars that you CAN'T ...yes that's what I said CAN'T see unless you are LITERALLY on them. Somehow I have the feeling that is so the POINT! I immediately went home and jumped on the web to see if I could find out what this sighting was all about.  I looked on HPD's website and several local news sites to no avail. Though I was still in shock about the whole sighting, since I couldn't find anything on it, I began to think maybe it was some sort of prototype and what I saw wasn't REALLY what was happening or more importantly what I began to think could happen in the future. Well that thought changed today. I was going through my daily (....ok every other day) read of my favorite blogs and behold The Insite blogged about the Houston Police Department's newest resource yesterday. Call me suspicious but...personally ALL I see is entrapment. What do you think? 


Glen said...

The better reason to be careful on those Houston highways is that driving is a dangerous business. Over 42,000 people a year are killed in traffic accidents and virtually all of those accidents begin with someone committing a crime. Speeding is a crime, driving while intoxicated is a crime, aggressive driving is a crime, following too close is a crime, disregarding warning signs is a crime ... you get the idea.

So what is your point about these creatively marked patrol cars? Are you telling us to take extra care when we choose to commit a crime behind the wheel?

How could this possibly be entrapment? The vehicle does nothing to encourage people to commit crimes behind the wheel, it is simply tougher to spot. You are thinking like a criminal.

Think about it. I bet you know (and everyone reading this knows) someone who was killed in a traffic accident. Traffic crime kills more people and costs more money than ANY OTHER KIND OF CRIME. This is long overdue action by HPD.

Lady Writer said...

Thanks for posting your opinion but I have to say you deducted a LOT from my post. I don't recall seeing anything within my post that implied people should break the law. Lastly, I tried to log on to see some of your opinions on your blog but to no avail.
Please let me know when your blog is up and running.
Thanks again for sharing
Lady Writer