04 February 2011

Snow Day

Ok..... That's a bit of a stretch but I thought it was a cute title. It's actually more like an Ice day. The weather here in the South has been horrible. We are used to mild to moderate winters but we have seen temperatures as low as 19 degrees. Right now its about 29 degrees- frigid by Texas standards. Schools and non essential services in the city were all closed today because Emergency Management Officials were expecting a couple of inches of snow. I waited until 1:30 this morning and to no avail. I can't even show pictures of ice because by the time I found my camera, it melted. I live in the city so with constant traffic there wasn't much build up but those in the outlying areas are not quite out of the woods yet.

I have absolutely NO plans to venture into the cold. I have a ton of things I could be doing right here at home. The question is what. I have a stack of three different magazine subscriptions dating back to December that I haven't read. I could pre-poo. I could actually clean a day early. I don't know. Right now surfing the web and creating blog posts seems to be it.

Be safe you guys -especially to those heading to Dallas for Superbowl festivities.

Oh.... before I forget...I was looking for free images of ice to add to this post and you will NEVER guess what my search brought up! Ice T and his wife - Yes you read correctly- Ice T. I won't describe the picture because I want you guys to keep coming to my blog.

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