I may have mentioned in a post or two that this is my last semester of school.... Let's just say its the best of times and its the worst of times. I am trying to enjoy this last semester but with papers and projects and group meetings there just isn't time. The brain is working overtime. Inevitably, I get the same question from all - "What are your plans after graduation?" I haven't actually figured it out yet. I am thinking graduate(teaching) or law school (comm law) Pros and cons on both sides makes it even tougher. I recently met a Vanguard adviser who said to me -without missing a step mind you- "Do it all!" (Profound moment, I tell ya! I never thought of that!) .....Anywho as I said nothing is etched in stone but after reading this article by Peter Baker at the Washington Post, I am thinking graduate school may not be such a bad road to take. All I could think when I first saw this was WOW! Then I went straight into song ........I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...I would love to to get my hands on a five-year report detailing the successes of the No Child Left Behind program. I know EVERYONE makes mistakes but... what do you think?
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