31 December 2013

Old Year's Night

.....As its referred to in the West Indies. It’s that time of year again!

Time to close out one year and usher in a new one.  For some odd reason I was up really early this morning. So early in fact I was able to see Sydney usher in 2014 and as I write this it’s about eight minutes until midnight in Dubai and I am tuned in to see the city’s said record breaking fireworks display. I enjoy the ringing in of a new year and will continue to sneak peaks of various places around the world as they show the world their take on the tradition.

Suffice it to say 2013 was not without its challenges but as I spent that last couple of weeks reviewing, reflecting and unravelling, I realize all of it was not so bad.  But the bottom line is I do feel like I didn’t accomplish anything.  That may be stretching it a bit but I wanted to see a lot of changes in 2013 and didn’t.  I got discouraged when the big things didn’t work in my favor. Truth be told even when I dropped the ball, I didn’t pick it back up. By March I had become a statistic in New Year resolution planning.

I learned two lessons from that.
  • I will not have 20 BIG things to do in only 365 days. 
  • Something I hear ALL the time and should have adapted by now- I will make the goals S.M.A.R.T goals (specific measurable attainable realistic and timely). Why I didn’t do this for 2013 I do not know. I can only attribute it to a big move and travelling for the entire month of December though as I type it - it looks like an excuse. Sigh.

In reviewing the goals I have written down for 2014, I can say the overall focus has to do with my health.  I am in the final stages of CLARIFYING exactly what this means (trying to be S.M.A.R.T.) but it is my hope when I reflect on this at the end of 2014 I will have accomplished what I set out to do. 

What’s on your list to accomplish in 2014? However small or large I hope that you are successful in meeting and keeping those goals.

Here’s wishing you an absolutely fantabulous New Year celebration and New Year! Be safe and take a sip of something yummy and bubbly for me. I plan to stay in and take it in through the various national news outlets.


Image courtesy of hdwallpapersinn.com

26 February 2013

In Memoriam...........

 ...of Trayvon Martin

It has been one year since his death and we are no closer to knowing what happened to him nor seeing justice served. Regardless what side of the fence you stand on this issue, the bottom line is an unarmed child is dead. 

Here are reflections on the tragedy from Huffington Post, Time magazine and USA Today.  

01 January 2012

Happy New Year!

The day is almost over but I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

As in past years, I made a list of goals I want to accomplish including applying and being accepted to graduate school and journaling at least three times a week. I have at least 14 other things I plan to accomplish, mainly surrounding financial obedience. The BIG one? I want to make sure I have at least six months of salary in my emergency fund which, by the way, I hate to admit does not exist at this point.

I also want to rely less on credit cards when I travel. Though I usually pay it off in a matter of months, there have been times where it took me more than a couple of months to pay off a trip. Not trying to go down THAT road in 2012. Scratch that- I am NOT going down that road in 2012!

Unlike in years past, I put these goals where I will be forced to look at them daily. I usually write my goals in my journal and never ever really go back and tweak or check off what I accomplished. What would be worse was when I fell off and threw goal setting to the side. The Chinese say fall down seven times, get up eight.

I was searching the web for suggestions on keeping up with goals. I was looking for something that I hadn't heard in the past. Something to assist me keeping up with my goals and goal setting. I didn't really find anything and kinda gave up. And then today, I found this book, Write It Down, Make It Happen. I came across it while perusing one of my favorite blogs, Creole in DC. I love her posts on Finishing school, Convos at 13700, and her candor and openess about VERY personal things in her life. When you get a chance take a moment and check out the Rantings of a Creole Princess, Monnie some blog love.

So you guys, are you like me? Do you make long list of goals like I have in the past and never ever ever look at them or are you all disciplined creatures and accomplish everything you put on your list? I am always looking for advice on following through with my goals. Knowing its a daily walk, how you plan to follow through with the goals you set for this year? What are some of your goals for the new year?

Whatever your goals and desires for the new year, here's wishing you all the success in meeting and surpassing those goals.

*Image courtesy of Wallpapers Cafe

09 February 2011

Its Wednesday

Hump day and I hope the week has been good to you thus far. I've been good but the changes in the weather make me feel blah. I get home and there is very little I want to do. Honestly, I am doing the bare minimum. I am so looking forward to a break in the weather.

I thought I would post this pic. It's a picture of me -actually my foot-from last year at Maracas Beach. It just screams warm...Here's hoping the weather hasn't gotten you down. Have a great rest of the week.

08 February 2011

Just a Thought

I have been doing a LOT of thinking lately. About life, love and the pursuit of happiness- in its various forms including this blog.

Since I started this blog I have been 'searching' to create its identity. That is probably most evident by the sparse posts. I always feel what I have or want to say has some way or another already been said or that no one will want to read it in the form in which I have written it. But through all that - two years and counting-the desire to write is still there. One of my 'goals' for the new year was to give my blog more attention. With only two posts since the year has begun I would say I haven't been actually been meeting that goal. But hey, the year is still young.

The other thing that was flying over my head until now was that I changed this blog title to Becoming a Better Me and then I didn't write anything about ME. Not one. Single. Solitary post. I'm scratching my head thinking, why haven't I written anything about ALL the things that have or for that matter have NOT happened. Then these lyrics popped into my head. They are from Erykah Badu's Tyrone and they go a little something like this:

"I'm a test this out on y'all right quick.
Now keep in mind that I'm an artist
and I'm sensitive about my sh*t."
(ha ha ha)

Now, on the ha-ha part I eh laughing, you know what I'm saying. I realised the reason I haven't written much about me is because I am SENSITIVE. But then I thought about another saying that loosely says-Nothing worth having comes easy, if it did EVERYONE would have it. I have some ideas in mind as to how I would like to go forward.

Stay tuned........."Lets See How Ya'll Groove to this"

07 February 2011

Motivational Monday

What you truly desire is already somewhere in YOUR world.
Have the courage and the confidence to go to it and to live it.

~ Ralph Marston

Here's wishing you a great day and a good start to the work week. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. Go out and get it. Whatever it is.


04 February 2011

Snow Day

Ok..... That's a bit of a stretch but I thought it was a cute title. It's actually more like an Ice day. The weather here in the South has been horrible. We are used to mild to moderate winters but we have seen temperatures as low as 19 degrees. Right now its about 29 degrees- frigid by Texas standards. Schools and non essential services in the city were all closed today because Emergency Management Officials were expecting a couple of inches of snow. I waited until 1:30 this morning and to no avail. I can't even show pictures of ice because by the time I found my camera, it melted. I live in the city so with constant traffic there wasn't much build up but those in the outlying areas are not quite out of the woods yet.

I have absolutely NO plans to venture into the cold. I have a ton of things I could be doing right here at home. The question is what. I have a stack of three different magazine subscriptions dating back to December that I haven't read. I could pre-poo. I could actually clean a day early. I don't know. Right now surfing the web and creating blog posts seems to be it.

Be safe you guys -especially to those heading to Dallas for Superbowl festivities.

Oh.... before I forget...I was looking for free images of ice to add to this post and you will NEVER guess what my search brought up! Ice T and his wife - Yes you read correctly- Ice T. I won't describe the picture because I want you guys to keep coming to my blog.