29 April 2009

100 days-

 ............its finally here- President Obama’s 100th day in office.  Everything thus far is very matter of fact- his staff is not trying to make to huge a deal out of it, with Press Secretary Gibbs calling the benchmark a ‘hallmark moment’- not really that big of a deal- but you have to acknowledge it. Er'one has an opinion as to how he’s doing and by reading and reviewing articles yesterday and today, it appears most everyone feels the same- he is doing well! See some of the articles here, here & here.

While most feel the President is doing well, there are those who don’t quite see it that way. Since this is my blog, I prefer not to acknowledge the hate mongering because it’s just not necessary. Many of those who are critics seem to forget where we were a couple of years ago today. I don’t recall seeing tea parties or such a huge outcry of the President’s actions during the last administrations’ eight years but then again - most people have a very short memory.

I honestly feel the most important thing he has done for us as a country since he has become 44 is make us all take a closer look at our lives. How we are living, our performance, our relationships and most of all -what we value. Having him in office just makes me want to perform at a 150% instead of just the extra 110. It’s just a great feeling.  

In my perusal for articles about today’s benchmark, I came across one on the Huffington Post website and it talks about accomplishments and what can we (you and me) do to incorporate the 100 day marker in our lives to bring about as they put it – lasting change. Honestly, I did not know it takes approximately 100 days of consistent practice to ‘anchor newly learned behaviors’. They also talk about making S.M.A.R.T. goals. To find out what those are, see the article by Dr. Judith Rich here.

I have a couple of things that I would like to work on and have tried time & time again but because they are difficult, I always fall off the wagon at some point.  I definitely didn’t make S.M.A.R.T. goals J But I never stop trying!

Yesterday, my girlfriend Oneka came up with the 25 by 25 (25 pounds by December 25th, that is) and I plan on taking her up on that.  100 days from now will be 8th of August, 2009. I will attempt to blog about where I am in the process since I want it to be that lasting change she mentions. I am also doing a challenge here at work to take 10,000 steps a day. The first day was kinda hard but the second day I hit it on the mark so we will see.

 What’s your 100 day plan? 

Also before I leave you, click on this link I found yesterday with images of the President and his family since the inauguration. Or you can just go to The White House.gov


28 April 2009

Where have YOU been?

I know I know- its been a minute. All I can say is life has been happening. I have been working alot to clear up bills that seem to be popping up out of no-where.....It seems like when you pay one off here comes some other company saying oh  yea you owe us too! It seems never ending and with my desire to have at least 75% of my debt paid off - I am watching this stuff like a hawk. I used to write about my desire to be debt and clutter free on my 43 things page but that too has gone by the wayside.  I met with one of my favorite professors and he suggested I start  journaling again to help me get back to blogging. I have followed his advice so that has been in the works for a couple of weeks now.  I have also been picking up weight.  I have tried to overlook this and hope it would go away on its own but to no avail. I will have to put a plan in place for that as well. One of my girlfriends in San Antonio wants we to go on a 25 by 25 (pound by December 25th that is!). I am seriously thinking of taking her up on it. Though for work reasons, I can't really focus on this right now,  I did the math and it works out to be less than a pound a week. I think that's doable - but it is definitely a challenge. I am not going to put any undue pressure on myself but it has been nice to put thoughts to paper. I would say I'd keep you posted but...

Anyway onto the news. The swine flu has gotten a lot attention lately and with due reason people are dying and it seems like this came out of no where. I was watching Dr. Oz on television yesterday morning and he said we will know within a week whether or not this flu is cause for panic. While many of us are in cities where there are no known cases, we should still be aware and utilize the preventative measures that have been mentioned - washing your hands frequently and use of sanitizer. Also for reasons I can quite pinpoint, I am bothered my the name swine flu and apparently so are others. Because of Muslim and Jewish beliefs regarding pigs, a Jewish official felt the name of the flu be changed to the Mexican flu. Read the article here. While I don't think that solves the problem either, I can definitely understand where they are coming from. Needless to say Mexico wasn't too thrilled about the proposed suggestion. 

Also, today is President Obama 99th day in office and the stories regarding tomorrow began weeks in advance. We have been hearing about this benchmark day for what seems like forever and all the major networks are planning on giving us all day coverage marking the day. CNN plans to review the day with coverage similar to that of election night. To top it all off coverage starts at 7 p.m. tonight. ...yea, I said tonight. I wont be taking any of that in tonight but I can't wait to get home tomorrow so I can plop in front of the TV and take it all in. I want to hear the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly. On a side note- can you believe he went to Trinidad and I didn't blog about. I am still mad at myself for that one. CNN has a short clip of the First Lady's 100 days.  

Just fabulous! 

We are a bit distracted here in Houston with surrounding areas flooded.  It rained all night and under passes and certain side streets around the area are impassable.  And to make matters worse they are expecting more rain. Keep us in your prayers. 

Well that's all I have for now