Reading the paper this morning, I came across an article about a site called
Book Mooch where you can exchange books for FREE and get this - if you
like the book you can keep it! You can also request books from other countries. All this while helping charities like Library Fund and African Literacy. I feel as though I am the last to find this out but I am glad I know now. I sat there shaking my head thinking why didnt I think of that?....What a great idea. I buy books all the time
Abebooks is my current fave for out of date or older books.
Amazon is another favorite for obvious reasons. Truthfully, I always feel like a book should be mine. I hate borrowing books from people and more importantly HATE lending. Money has changed a little of the last year so I am definitely going to be checking this out very soon. Any opportunity to save money is most welcomed. Just a quick note if you decide to use the site be sure to first search for your book on
Amazon, then follow the link to the site. That's how they are able to offer this type of service.
I also let this go under my radar how I am not sure. It has been a year since NBC Meet the Press Commentator, Tim Russert died. It feels like just yesterday I heard the news and kept logging on to see if it was really true. I really enjoyed watching him. I loved the way he would break down complex political questions for viewers and also get politicians to answers the question asked....You are definitely missed Mr. Russert.
Well that's it for now.....Here's hoping you have a great week...