30 October 2008
Where Did the Cash Go A.I.G.?
The New York Times posed this question in yesterday's paper concerning the $123 billion they received earlier this month. Take look at the article here. Analysts are looking for clues as to whether or not executives knew about losses prior to the bailout. Kinda hard to stomach that they were doing well in September then NOT in October. And get this, the internal auditor is in seclusion! Now why is THAT necessary. Since I have a little money (and I mean a little) with them I am keeping my eye on this to see how it unfolds
27 October 2008
D.L.Hughley's new show

D. L. Hughley debuted a new show on CNN Saturday night. Its called D.L. Hughley Breaks the News and I thought it was okay. Not good, not bad, just okay. I think it has potential to be. Yea be...It's definitely not on point yet..... not like The Daily Show, which I like a lot.
There definitely were some rough spots. Like the monologue. And when he tried to talk with journalists from Russia, India and China...THAT did not go well. The responses didn't seem to fit the questions and the whole delay thing did not help. There were some other points in in between those two, but I don't want to seem like it was a TOTAL wash because it was definitely better than this. I will watch next Saturday to see if there is any change. Let's just say I don't for see this lasting.
24 October 2008
I am getting antsy
If there is such as thing....I know I only voted yesterday and the rest of yous( yea I said it yous) haven't voted and WON'T be until the day of the election but I need this election...... TODAY!!! I have been a YouTube freak lately...Here's is one of the best singing about the future...Enjoy
23 October 2008
Rock da vote!
Trying to blog while standing in line to vote. Thanks to all who sent reminders!
Vote Republican
Vote Democratic
Vote Republican
Vote Democratic
21 October 2008
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Three women are murdered EVERY day.
That's one of the stats given by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. It needed to stand alone. While their main focus of NCADV is to provide a link to advocates across the nation, they also mourn the loss of lives lost to domestic violence and celebrate those who have survived.
At the height of this awareness, during the mid to the late 90's, I volunteered with JASA (Just A Sister Away) House. The non-profit would provide clothing and secure shelter to women in need. During the month of October, as a volunteer, we would create these stand alone walk through type boards with the names of all the women who lost their life at the hand of a man. As with all non-profits funding is the name of the game and it was difficult for the two women running it to keep it all afloat.
The national organization used to do something similar called Remember My Name but when I went to their site, I noticed there hasn't been a list since 2004.
October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month and over the years I have seen activities and events surrounding DVA slowly diminish in favor of Breast Cancer Awareness. Both causes are important and I can see how easy it is to talk about one more than the other.
For those interested in taking action, volunteering to assist afflicted partners (partners because occasionally it can happen to a man too) and their children, but don't have time to participate in an event, check out their site. Though it looks like certain pages haven't been updated in a while, some things don't have an expiration date. They list things as simple as donating your old mobile phones, or if you got it like that, donating a car.
Also while it is Domestic Violence month, violence doesn't stop when the month ends. Check you local area to see if there are any events planned outside of the month and make sure you take those old mobiles and help someone in need out.
15 October 2008
Information is the platform for better decision making...... Blog Action Day 2008
Today is Blog Action Day and over nine thousands bloggers (and podcasters and videocasters) have committed to lending a voice for the cause. Last year's mission was the environment. This year their spotlight is on poverty. I say their because I didn't register to partake in the event. That, however, does not stop me from bringing their efforts to your attention.
According to an article in the Washington Post at least a third of the world's population lives in poverty. BAD 08 hopes by initiating a call to action on complex issues like this one, through the blogosphere, allowing us all to participate in the cause and help fight the problem.
With the power of the internet and the millions of individuals who actually read or write blogs, it seems fitting for this call to action to be sent out through this medium. And you can get your favorite blogger's point of view on the issue. Where else can you touch so many people at one time?
As I mentioned earlier Blog Action Day's goal is to create discussion. Discussion on finding resources for individuals dealing with poverty, what can be done to solve the problem, Check out Blog Action Day's site here. Also check out some of the participants and their responses here. It's being updated throughout the day so check back periodically. Blog talk radio is also doing a talkathon. You can also listen to the 12 hour radio show here.
What can one person do, you say? Blog Action suggests you could do like I am doing and post about it, give to the cause or create an event at your place of employment. And if you're STILL cant decide what to do, check this list of 88 ways to do something about poverty NOW!
I decided to look over the list to find other ways I could participate in the cause as I see posting as minimal involvement. Several of them, specifically 1 and 41 I have already begun to do and while I didn't have poverty in mind, I am glad to see I am on my way.
When you know better, you do better.....
Lady Writer
P.S. I forgot to give a leetle credit to the blog that brought this good cause to my attention in the 1st place. I came across this as a part of my new desire to introduce you to blogs you may not know. I will profile Jeri's Organizing & Decluttering News at a later date. She gives some really good suggestions on how the effort of controlling clutter relates to poverty.
*** ok, update...I did register this post. hopefully doing so will lend a hand to the cause***
14 October 2008
Don't call it a come back.....
......I've been here for YEARS, rockin my peers and putting suckas in fear
I am back........well sorta, kinda, in a way. It seems like I haven't written a post in ages......Ok well THREE months to be exact - minus the test I tried to do yesterday from my phone. So what have I been up to you ask.....a big 'ol FAT pity party!
I have done this disappearing act before and the problem remains the same - I just don't know what to write about at times. First it would be a day or two, then a week. Then two weeks.....see where this is going??? Then I am faced with coming back with something worthy of your visit and then inevitably I panic. I begin to think why did I start this blog, no one really reads it anyway. They're really reading Afrobella and Bossip and Stereohyped and needless to say I spiral and that's how we get to THREE whole months.
So that's basically it in a nutshell. I enjoy writing but life seems to get in the way sometimes, coupled with the fact that I grapple with WHAT to write about and to that friends have said "everything, anything Mel. DUHHH!!!". That may sound simple enough but truth is it makes the come back process even harder...While I am interested in things going on in the world right now politics (you know, THAT one) the economy ( I am soooo scared to log into my account) and let's not get started on GAS- though I must admit it has gone down about a quarter since I filled up at the high price of $3.29 last week. I just don't feel I could do any of the real issues with these topics justice.
So back to my dilemma ......that short answer from said friends got me to thinkin' ...Hmmmm (*scratching head, eyes toward the ceiling*), maybe I can blog about those whose writing I like. I had been a blog reader for a couple of years well before I started my own. Some that I read are popular, like the aforementioned and some not so, but it could just be that you've never heard of them and waiting for me to introduce them to you. So that's it, that's my new idea....Let's see how it goes.....
I'm gonna knock you out....Momma said knock you out ( Repeat 4X for DA full effect!
I am back........well sorta, kinda, in a way. It seems like I haven't written a post in ages......Ok well THREE months to be exact - minus the test I tried to do yesterday from my phone. So what have I been up to you ask.....a big 'ol FAT pity party!
I have done this disappearing act before and the problem remains the same - I just don't know what to write about at times. First it would be a day or two, then a week. Then two weeks.....see where this is going??? Then I am faced with coming back with something worthy of your visit and then inevitably I panic. I begin to think why did I start this blog, no one really reads it anyway. They're really reading Afrobella and Bossip and Stereohyped and needless to say I spiral and that's how we get to THREE whole months.
So that's basically it in a nutshell. I enjoy writing but life seems to get in the way sometimes, coupled with the fact that I grapple with WHAT to write about and to that friends have said "everything, anything Mel. DUHHH!!!". That may sound simple enough but truth is it makes the come back process even harder...While I am interested in things going on in the world right now politics (you know, THAT one) the economy ( I am soooo scared to log into my account) and let's not get started on GAS- though I must admit it has gone down about a quarter since I filled up at the high price of $3.29 last week. I just don't feel I could do any of the real issues with these topics justice.
So back to my dilemma ......that short answer from said friends got me to thinkin' ...Hmmmm (*scratching head, eyes toward the ceiling*), maybe I can blog about those whose writing I like. I had been a blog reader for a couple of years well before I started my own. Some that I read are popular, like the aforementioned and some not so, but it could just be that you've never heard of them and waiting for me to introduce them to you. So that's it, that's my new idea....Let's see how it goes.....
I'm gonna knock you out....Momma said knock you out ( Repeat 4X for DA full effect!
13 October 2008
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